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NVIDIA HOLIDAY BUNDLES: Get Fortnite Counterattack Set and 2000 V-Bucks With GeForce GTX

Just in time for the holidays and Fortnite’s Season 7, NVIDIA and Epic Games are coming together to bring gamers the GeForce Fortnite bundle, which includes special Fortnite gear.

Gamers that purchase a new GeForce GTX 1070 Ti, 1070, or 1060 based graphics card, desktop PC or laptop will receive 2000 V-Bucks and the NVIDIA special FortniteCounterattack Set, which includes a rare “Reflex” Outfit, the “Response Unit” Back Bling, and the uncommon “Pivot” Glider and “Angular Axe” Pickaxe gear.


Upgrading your graphics card can have a dramatic impact on your Fortnite experience. Upgrading from a GeForce GTX 960 to a GeForce GTX 1060 will result in up to a 74% improvement in Fortnite performance.  An upgrade from GeForce GTX 970 to 1070 delivers up to a 60% increase in performance.

With Fortnite Season 7 about to launch the GeForce Fortnite Bundle makes the perfect gift for those in need of a hardware upgrade, looking for more performance in their favorite battle royale title, or who just want to sport the coolest outfit for Fortnite Season 7.

The Fortnite bundle runs from today until January 29, 2019 or while supplies last.

Other great gaming deals from NVIDIA

Monster HunteWorld  Bundle extended

NVIDIA is extending our Monster Hunter: World bundle through the holiday season. That means gamers that purchase a qualified GeForce GTX 1070 Ti, 1070, or 1060 -based graphics card (does not apply to systems) at participating partners will receive the Fortnitebundle and a copy of  Monster Hunter: World, valued at $59.99.

Monster Hunter: World bundle is extended until January 7th, 2019 or while supplies last.

More about the Monster Hunter World Bundle

Buy GeForce RTX, Get Battlefield V

Last week NVIDIA has announced that gamers that purchase a new GeForce RTX 2080 Ti, GeForce RTX 2080 or a GeForce RTX 2070-based graphics card or desktop PC from participating partners will receive a copy of Battlefield Va $59.99 value. Battlefield V is the first game to utilize DXR ray tracing.

The bundle runs from today until January 7, 2018 or while supplies last.

More about bundle Battlefield Bundle details