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Is Console Based Gaming on the Decline?

Previously, console-based gaming was one of the biggest global markets in the tech world. The new releases of the latest PlayStation, Xbox or PC operating systems were watched closely by gaming enthusiasts.

However, modern gaming developments and new experiences for gamers have shifted the need away from a physical console. The rise of cloud and mobile gaming has also impacted the use of physical systems to a more online approach.

The Decline of Console Use Worldwide

In 2022, there was a noticeable decline in console use and sales worldwide. The decline reflected growing international costs and a knock-on effect of the covid-19 pandemic, which financially impacted the console gaming industry.

However, recent developments by gaming software engineers and tech giants have lessened consumers’ need for new physical consoles. Instead of buying the latest console online or at a retail shop, players can simply install the latest update on their device without the need to replace it.

Ultimately, if gamers have access to the internet, they can upgrade a console quickly. Furthermore, the shift is convenient and helps players to retain their original machine, rather than buying a necessary upgrade every five years.

Rise of Cloud and Smartphone Gaming

Also, two of the biggest technological developments in recent years have coincided with the steady decline of console use globally.

Firstly, the introduction of cloud gaming has decreased players’ need to order or buy a physical disc or software to play their favourite games. Instead, most console games are now available to purchase via cloud systems and players can access thousands of titles online. In addition, even nostalgic, classic games are now on offer through the cloud on Xboxes and PlayStation.

This is also the case for new releases. Gamers can pre-order upcoming games with ease via the cloud. Gaming companies can also release their games with ease to a system, rather than spending costs on mass production of discs.

Secondly, the increase in mobile gaming has seen players shift away from traditional consoles. Generally, people spend more time on their phones and companies have adapted by releasing game apps.

As a result, gamers currently have access to hundreds of thousands of games on mobile phones and big game developers are adapting to this. In 2023, Call of Duty Warzone will be released as an app download. It will join the likes of FIFA, Final Fantasy, and other popular game franchises in entering the mobile gaming space.

Whether players want their favourite sport, RPG, combat or live casino uk games, all are available within seconds via Android and iOS app downloads.

Future of Console Gaming

Big gaming companies like Sony and Microsoft have already started adapting to the changing habits of players. As a result, these companies are investing more in future techs, such as mobile apps, cloud systems, augmented reality, and virtual reality.

These shifts could end future releases of new and updated physical consoles. However, players will still need a PC, Xbox, etc to access new games, software, and updates. Due to this, companies are likely to lock existing customers into pay-to-play subscription-based options to contend with the declining use of physical consoles.

