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Top 3 Mobile Android Games Reviews

In the current scenario, mobile phones are not only using for communication purposes but they have lots of other features and emerged as the multipurpose electronic devices with so many advance technology. There are many mobile phone or apps developers in the market with different brand names and development companies to capture the potential customers according to their reputation. Mobile phone in the present generation has music systems with speaker and earphone, interesting gaming house with so many latest and updated sports games app, high-resolution digital camera (front end and back end) and many more. However, today the main attraction of mobile phone among different age and generations of people is its unique and so many different types of gaming features. You can download different games from different sources and get started with playing.

Gaming on a mobile phone is improving a far greater rate than any other technology came before it. Android games always seems to hit new customers and in another level every year. With the update of Android Operating systems, it only stands to get better and better over time. Here I am sharing with your some of the best Android games for all the mobile game lovers:


This game has been released on 2016 and it has already taken the place among the best Android games ever made. It features an intergalactic trucker which will end up crash landed on an alien planet. So, the person who is playing the game, his/her job is to find out what is going on and build yourself a base, collect various items, craft them and save the world from a evil plot. It has an RPG element to develop character and tons of items that you can craft. Also, the game will make itself easier by doing things like automatic sorting of your inventory. It is just full of fun and contains lots of hours of contents.


Minecraft is one of the popular game all around the world for all ages of people. When I first played the game, it seems to me that Minecraft was put me in a giant world where I was able to build stuff, beat up all the bad guys and can do much more whatever I want to do. There is a survival mode where I can in fact mine my own resources and food along with the creative mode that has also given me unlimited of everything to do. The game has frequent updates which add tons of new contents and possibilities to play in a more interesting way. The game is also much more on par in PC, Tab and other counterparts. There are in-app purchases but this can only for the customization purposes like skin packs.

Hearthstone Heroes of Warcraft

This game is flown on to the scene in late 2014 and it is one of the best Android games in the past few years. As per my opinion, this gaming concept is almost similar to games like Magic or Pokemon where in the gathering you have to collect cards, need to build decks and the duel other players using those decks. IT has new expansions which are coming frequently to help you keep things fresh.

You can also play such above android mobile games in your PC with cloud saving via or even play more online games through The battle net will also allow you to play the game interchangeably on PC and mobile device.