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What is Search Google or Type A URL – Everything You Should Know [2024]

Google is known for providing user-friendly features and tools, which has helped to make its search engine one of the most popular in the world. The most recent update to the company’s search engine page provides a new way to search the web. Search Google or Type a URL is a new feature that allows users to Search Google or type a URL to find information on the internet.

The “Search or type a URL” feature was created with the needs of the user in mind. This new feature’s main goal is to make it easier and faster for users to find what they’re looking for on the internet. This is especially useful for those who are unfamiliar with how to use Google Search. With a powerful search engine like Google, finding a web page containing the information you seek is easier, faster, and more accurate. 

The standard procedure is to launch your browser, type a phrase into the search box, and browse the results. You may have noticed that the address bar in a web browser, such as Google Chrome, can be used for more than just searching for web pages.

Chrome’s search box is more than just an address bar; it’s a multifunctional tool that can help you be more productive. Some of the built-in tools in this address bar may be familiar to you. Google redirects its browser to Search Google or a type of URL of your choosing.

Search Google or Type A URL

What Does “Search Google or Enter a URL” Mean?

When you open a new tab in the Chrome browser, the default words displayed in the address bar or search box (now called Omnibox) are “Search Google or type a URL.” It provides you with two options for continuing to use Chrome. You can either type a keyword of what you want into the Omnibox or press Enter to see the search results, or you can simply enter the specific URL into the Omnibox and press Enter to go directly to the page.

Gmail and Images are located in the upper right corner of the new tab window, and the Customize button is located in the bottom right corner. On special days (festivals, celebrity birthdays, dates of great historical events, etc.), a theme created by the Google team appears above the Omnibox, and clicking on it takes you to the theme’s search results.

Chrome Canary’s “Search Google or Type a URL” feature

“Search Google or type a URL” is another feature included in Chrome’s Canary release. Chrome Canary is the most recent version of the Chrome browser. Google uses it to experiment with new ideas. In the Canary 36 version, one idea is to bury the full URL within the top-level domain name. It only shows the site name when navigating within the site.

However, you can view the full URL by clicking the “origin chip” button, which is located on the domain name itself. Only by entering chrome:/flags/origin-chip-in-omnibox into the Omnibox does the button become active. You can also edit the domain by clicking on it. The benefits of using a domain-only approach are that it simplifies the web address while also allowing for a sub-field to the right that offers the option to “Search Google or type a URL.”

“Google Search or Type a URL” by Yourself

When you’re bored, just open a new tab in the Google Chrome browser and type “Search Google or type a URL” after the default sentence. Perhaps you are thinking something else and typing those words without realizing it. When you open a new tab in the Chrome browser, a search box or address bar (also known as Omnibox) appears on the Google home page across all devices where the web browser is installed.

The default sentence displayed inside the address bar will be “Search Google or type a URL.” Search Google or type a URL means you have two options for continuing to use Chrome. In this case, you can either type a keyword of what you want to search for into the Omnibox or press Enter to see the results, or you can enter the URL of the specific website for a quick visit.

Which is better: typing a URL or searching on Google?

Which should you choose: enter a web address or search Google? It all depends. If you know the exact URL of the target website, such as, enter it directly into the Omnibox or the address bar at the top and press Enter on the keyboard to go directly to the destination page.

If you don’t remember the full URL of the page or simply want to search for something online, use the browser’s search feature by entering the keyword (e.g. MiniTool) into the search box and pressing Enter to let Google search its library and list all the related websites. Then you can browse the sites and select which ones to open.

How Can I Find a Specific Word or Phrase in Google?

To search for a specific word or phrase in Google, enter your query into the address bar and press enter. You will see a list of results that correspond to your query. You can also use quotation marks to find a specific phrase. For example, to find the best shoe stores near me, type the best shoe stores near me into the address bar and press enter. This will return a list of the best shoe stores in your area. If you want to search from a specific URL, enter “site:”

You will be able to search within the website once you have reached this specific query. For example, to find all of the articles on that mention the word “Omnibox,” type site: Omnibox into the address bar and press enter. This will return a list of results for all articles on the website that include the term “Omnibox.”

What Is the Difference Between Google Search and Entering a URL?

The primary distinction between “Search Google or type a URL” and “Search Google” is that the latter allows you to directly type a URL into the address bar. The latter only allows you to use the Google search engine to find something. It also depends on the users in the context to determine which method is best for them to access a website. Furthermore, if you want to search a website, the “Search Google or type a URL” feature is more useful because it allows you to directly enter the URL into the address bar.

If someone simply wants to search the internet for something, “Search Google” may be the better option. On a website, you can also search for specific content or a file. For example, to find a PDF of a product manual on a website, type filetype: pdf into the address bar and press enter. This will return a list of PDF search results from the website.

Furthermore, if you need to search for a specific picture, video, or news article on a website, you can do so by including the file type after the URL. For example, to find a picture of a dog on, type into the address bar and press enter. This will return a list of results for dog pictures on the website. Similarly, if you want to find a video of a cat on, type into the address bar and press enter. This will return a list of results for cat videos on the website.

Predictions for Google Autocomplete

When you type something into the address bar, Google may automatically display a list of predictions. These predictions are based on previous searches, websites visited, and the popularity of the search. For example, if you type “shoe,” Google may suggest “shoe store,” “shoe rack,” and “shoe size chart.” You can either click on one of the predictions to go to that website or continue typing your query.

This is a fantastic feature for content creators because it can help you improve your website’s ranking in Google. You can select keywords in which people have previously expressed interest and attempt to rank your website for those keywords. The autocomplete predictions can also help you spell. If you don’t know how to spell a word, enter the first few letters and Google will show you the correct spelling. This feature’s algorithm is constantly improving and getting better over time.

Voice Search Technique

Aside from the previously mentioned Search Google and type a URL methods. It has been possible to search with your voice for some time now. This method works on both mobile devices and computers. To begin, you must first install it on your device. Click the microphone icon in Chrome’s search bar to do so. Google will request authorization to use the device’s microphone.

After selecting “allow,” click the microphone icon in the search bar again and say the search phrase into the microphone. Google uses appropriate messages to guide the user through the voice search process. When you ask a question, the search engine returns relevant results.

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What are Google Autocomplete Predictions?

When you enter something into the address bar, Google will display a list of predictions. These predictions are based on previous searches, websites visited, and the popularity of the search. The algorithm considers both your individual search history and the collective search history of all Google users. This allows you to make more accurate predictions. If you do not want Google to save your search history, you can disable this feature.

To do so, go to your Google account’s “Activity controls” page and disable the “Web & App Activity” setting. If you deactivate this option, your search history will no longer be used to personalize your predictions. Your search history, however, will remain in your Google account. You can also clear your search history at any time by going to your Google account’s “History” page.

How Can a Google Search or a URL Improve Your Experience?

The “Search Google or type a URL” feature can assist you in improving your website’s Google ranking. The overall browsing experience is determined by how quickly you can locate the desired information. By providing more accurate predictions, the “Search Google or type a URL” feature can help you save time. This feature can help you with quick research for writing a blog in your day-to-day browsing experience.

If you’re looking for statistics, for example, you can type in “site: gov filetype: pdf” to get a list of PDF files from government websites. Furthermore, if you use this feature to look for market research reports, you can type in “ filetype: pdf” to get a list of PDF files from educational websites. This feature also improves the overall browsing experience by quickly taking you to the desired website.

Assume you want to go to Amazon’s website and simply type “amz” in the address bar and press enter. This will direct you to Amazon’s website. If you frequently visit the same websites, this is a very useful feature. You don’t have to remember the entire website’s URL; just type in a few letters and Google will take you there.


The “Search Google or type a URL” feature is a very useful tool that can help you with your everyday browsing. It can help you quickly find the information you need while also improving your website’s ranking in Google. This Google feature saves you time and improves your overall browsing experience. Try this feature out and see how it can help you in your daily life.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)- Search Google or Type A URL

Q.1  What Exactly Is Google URL Search?

Ans. This feature allows you to quickly find the information you’re looking for. To use this feature, simply enter a few letters and Google will return relevant results. This Google feature saves you time and improves your overall browsing experience.

Q.2 What Is the Function Of Omnibox In Chrome?

Ans. In Chrome, the Omnibox is the address bar. It is used to enter URLs and search terms. The Omnibox includes the “Search Google or type a URL” feature. This feature assists you in quickly finding the desired information by displaying predictions based on previous searches.

Q.3 What Is the Purpose of Chrome’s Address Bar?

Ans. In Chrome, the address bar is used to enter URLs and search queries. The address bar includes the “Search Google or type a URL” feature. This feature assists you in quickly finding the desired information by displaying predictions based on previous searches.

Q.4  How Can I Improve My Website’s Visibility on Google?

Ans. There are numerous things you can do to increase the visibility of your website on Google. Some of the most effective methods include focusing on SEO, creating high-quality content, and building backlinks. You can also use the “Search Google or type a URL” feature to boost your website’s Google ranking.

We’ve decoded the mystery of “Search Google or Type A URL – Which To Use?” Hope you found the insights valuable!