Pune, May 21, 2014 – 10 years ago TomTom launched its very first satnav, the TomTom GO. Since then, 75 million navigation devices have been sold in 35 countries, helping 13 million couples avoid navigation arguments in the car.
The TomTom GO has become the trusted travel companion for millions of drivers. In the last 10 years, TomTom has helped 35 million holidaymakers find their destination, 20.4 million wedding guests get to the church on time, 16.7 million hopefuls locate a job interview and 2.9 million people navigate to their first date. TomTom satnavs have driven 280 billion kilometres, representing 700,000 years of total driving time.
“With the launch of TomTom GO, we made navigation technology accessible to everyone for the very first time,” said Corinne Vigreux, Founder and Managing Director, TomTom Consumer. “At first, we helped people to find their way, the easy way, when travelling to unknown destinations. Now, TomTom routing combined with our unparalleled traffic information, helps drivers to get to known and unknown destinations faster, every day.”
Over the last 10 years, TomTom voices have guided millions to reach their destinations, making “Jane,” and “Tim” part of the household. Darth Vader and Homer Simpson have been the most popular voices downloaded.
Every day over 800 million people rely on TomTom to help them get to where they want to go. TomTom map, traffic and navigation technology powers apps, devices and solutions used by consumers, businesses and governments globally.