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Substitutes To Field Sports Betting

It has always been a delight to have fun on a sports betting site. The real reward of having your prediction coming true is something millions of punters look forward to. But does that mean that that field sports are the only avenue for people to bet online? We beg to differ as a multitude of sites have been doing the following to make different ways to bet.

  • They have diversified their markets
  • They are offering their punters hefty amounts of welcome casino bonus and other incentives.
  • They are now holding live virtual gaming competitions like FIFA.

This brings us to our primary focus today- what other betting avenues could you take advantage of to get some extra fun activities besides live sports? Read on to find out.

FIFA virtual competitions

The famous virtual football body FIFA holds tournaments live on several betting platforms, and you can bet on them. You could wager on so many things, including the winner, number of goals, corners, red cards, yellow cards, etc. You could even bet on your favorite player to score the first goal. The same way real-life sports are betted on, virtual games follow the same rules.

Virtual races

If you love wagering on a hound or a horse to make you an extra buck, in reality, you would be glad to find out that there are virtual races. Everything is computerized with very sophisticated software that plays an exact simulation of how a real sport would go. People are also going head to head on a virtual racing arena like F-1 assimilation, and you can place a wager here too. You get to watch them on tv and see how your contender is doing.

Outcome of elections

If politics strikes your curiosity nerve, you will be glad to find out that it is also a possible avenue to bet. Quite a few nations have scheduled to have their elections sooner or later. Thus, the betting windows for those who will take the polls are wide open when the elections happen. One political event that has sparked so much interest is the USA’s elections. People are waiting to see if Trump will win again, and if he loses, who will win? And this is just one event, now imagine all the other political developments in the world you could place a bet on? They are many, right.


Yes, you read right, weather! If you have a knack of knowing how the weather tomorrow will be, then put your money on it. The betting arena is very sophisticated, so it allows you to input the exact weather condition plus the temperature at whatever time. If you have a significant judgment on the weather conditions, you can bet on that as well.

Reality shows

The big brother show, the bachelor, the amazing race, and other reality shows can also be an avenue to get rewarded on. You could bet on who leaves the show next, who gets immunity through a challenge and even guess who walks away with the jackpot. Reality shows always spark exciting anticipation; now imagine being rewarded after your prediction becomes true?


Wrestlemania is an exciting event to watch, and you can bet on it as well. With commentators keeping you company as you watch a match is the most exciting part of it all. For sure, the action is breathtaking, and so to watch a game, you need to have a strong stomach and not get affected by bleeding heads and broken limbs. With wrestling, things get nasty sometimes. Despite all that, you could bet on who wrestles who and who wins the match. All in the comfort of your home.

Table sports

Table sports like ping pong, table tennis, and even poker are also bet on. You can bet on the scores, who wins, and so much more. Sports channels airing these games give you a chance to watch live and see your victor win you some great gifts.

Birth percentage

Taking a completely different direction into betting, things that may come out after a certain amount of time are also being wagered. One of those things speculated to rise in the future is the birth rate in specific parts of the world. And you can bet on that too. You input the range you expect the birth mortality will increase to and set the date you think that rate will be. For example, you could set the mortality rate to an increase of 60% by December 2020.


If you take a closer look at the betting world, you will find that there are so many things you can bet on. The list above is just a few to get you started. So please take advantage of the bonuses to use them in placing bets on the above areas. Happy betting.