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Kingston Bolt Duo Review: Flexible Data Storage & Transfer for iPhone & iPad

[paragraph]If you’re not happy with the amount of storage you’ve got with your iPhone or iPad or have trouble transferring photos and videos from iPhone to your Laptop or PC, the solution to all your problem is here – Kingston Bolt Duo! [/paragraph]

Let’s understand the functionality and performance of this USB 3.0 devices in our in-depth review of Bolt Duo.

Kingston Bolt Duo Review

Kingston has a proven track record when it comes to storage devices like high-performance SSDs, and now they are entering to Apple users market that solves multiple problems with a single device.

Kingston Bolt Duo has an OTG like functionality, that lets you connect the storage directly to your iPhone or iPad through lightning charging/data port. It doesn’t open directly in the folder structure though. On the very first interaction with any new iOS device, it prompts to download Kingston’s Bolt app right away. It is compulsory to navigate the files for copying from iPhone to the Bolt’s internal storage (64GB in my case),  and the other way around.

Settings of the Bolt Duo’s iPhone app allows you to toggle On/Off the automatic transfer of videos, photos or both. An additional option lets you customize important things about the transfers. You can lock your app using passcode/touch ID from the settings. The app also lets you view the photos and videos with its built-in viewer from both your device and Bolt’s storage.

As Kingston Bolt can also be used as an external storage drive, you can also toggle on direct storage to this external iPhone storage when it’s connected via the data port.

You can customize the frame rate and the resolution from the settings for the recorded content. Especially if you’re a vlogger or Youtuber who shots the video on your iPhone, this feature is going to add massive storage space to your iPhone. You can record a video from 720P to 4K and settings can be accessed via apps. The camera functionality, however, limits your functionality to iPhone’s default Video, Photo & Square modes. You also don’t get micro-features like HDR, filters or Live Photos. The performance of direct storage for video or photo capture is flawless, so you can rely on the Bolt for prolonged video shooting without bothering about the available storage space.

If you’ve to compare its accessibility directly with Android’s OTG storage devices, it does not have the folder structure or the file manager to get access to Duo’s storage. Instead, you’ve to rely on its app, that offers access to audio, video and document files and transfer features of the Bolt Duo. When you connect the device to your laptop or Mac, you get functionality as any other storage device, and the Kingston Bolt Duo saves captured videos/images and transferred content in separate folders. The media transfer becomes quite an easy task with Kingston Bolt Duo.

The default dashboard of the Bolt App shows a comparison of storage available on your iPhone compared with Bolt Duo, which comes in handy, to clean up some space on your iPhone.



Kingston Bolt Duo makes the data transfer and add-on storage pretty effortless for iPhone and iPad users with virtually zero performance issues. But if you compare it with any other general USG OTG drives, it’s nowhere affordable. It’s still a better alternative than buying an iPhone or iPad with larger storage capacity unless of course, you want the externally stored files every minute of the day.

I would still recommend the Bolt Duo if you are highly unsatisfied with the built-in storage of your iDevices or you’re a content creator that wants to extend the storage on the go. 

Kingston Bolt Duo Price

Prices as of 8th May 2019 on Amazon & Flipkart:

INR. 2899 for 32GB  – Check Latest Prices & Offers

INR. 3199 for 64GB  – Check Latest Prices & Offers