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Pfizer and FITT Announce Call for Proposals Under the 3rd Call of Pfizer-IIT Delhi Innovation and IP Program


  • PfizerPfizer IIT Delhi Innovation & IP Program


This unique partnership model is designed to provide funding, resources, expertise and infrastructure to propel India’s healthcare innovations from idea to IP. The program envisages active support for incubation and intellectual property (IP) creation.

Program Components
There are two components of the Pfizer IIT Delhi Innovation & IP Program (PIDIIP):

  1. For innovators seeking comprehensive support to translate their healthcare ideas into new business opportunities, the Program provides:

    • Incubation at IIT Delhi’s incubators for a period of up to 2 years.

    • Funding of up to INR 50 lakhs for each innovator/start-up to take ideas through proof of concept to IP.

    • Mentoring support from IIT Delhi’s faculty and FITT nominated experts.

    • IP search and filing services.

    • Guidance from Pfizer’s experts.


  1. For innovators who already have a proof of principle/concept and are only looking for IP related support, the program provides:

The call for proposals is currently open till 30th May 2018. Visit for further details.


