Conceptualised by Lt Col Dr Samir Rawat, a military psychologist and decorated war veteran of Kargil operations who has been organising WARMCAMP since past four years ago as an annual event to create an awareness of military psychology as an emerging area of study among students of psychology, roving refers to the conference location constantly moving for access to a larger interested target population, mezzanine refers to connect between experiential learning at ground zero of military environment on one hand and evidence based scientific academic research on the other. The first WARMCAMP in 2015 had over 100 delegates from 25 cities, WARMCAMP 2016 in Jaipur and WARMCAMP 2017 in Pune had delegates from 10 countries participating.
Since past four years, WARMCAMP has evinced keen interest and has been attended by students of psychology, academicians, military officers and their spouses and professors from different parts of the country and delegates from over 12 countries as well as uniformed delegates from Army, Navy, Army Training Command (ARTRAC), Naval Headquarters (NHQ), National Police Academy, BSF, Police, Special Forces, Commandos, Para Military Forces and general population as well attending.
Besides students and professors of psychology from colleges and universities in different parts of the world, this year’s WARMCAMP 2018 saw delegates registering from Naval H.Q, National Security Guard (NSG), Officers Training Academy, Chennai and INS Shivaji, Lonavala as well. So far, delegates from Brazil, Canada, Estonia, India, Iran, Nigeria, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, UAE and USA have participated in WARMCAMP.
Sharing his experience Lt Col Dr Samir Rawat said, “Besides numerous back to back workshops, WARMCAMP 2018 in Pune was an enriching experience with keynotes by eminent psychology professors & academicians to discuss the theme of relevance of psychology in the military environment and the need to have optimally trained psychologists and counsellors to facilitate in alleviating stress for this unique, yet neglected target population.”
So far, WARMCAMP has been organised in Jaipur and Pune and with so many academicians and students of psychology from KC College, St Xavier’s, Sophia College, Amity, Mumbai University and SNDT participating in WARMCAMP held in Pune, Mumbai appears to be then next destination for fifth International Military Psychology Conference being scheduled next year in July 2019 to also commemorate 20 years of Kargil operations where a book on Kargil Operations from psychological perspectives and Volume II of Cadet Diary will be released. This year too, Department of Psychology, KC College Mumbai bagged a special trophy for the second time for maximum participation of a college from all over India with more than 20 student delegates now participating in WARMCAMP.
WARMCAMP aims to include, among other objectives:
- Knowledge management to create an awareness among students of Psychology, Counselors, Practicing Psychologists, Military Personnel and General Public at large about Military Psychology & Counseling as a field of study.
- Share and acquire knowledge, discuss and exchange ideas concerning research and its application in military setting.
- Foster improved research through exploration and presentation of scientific and evidence based research techniques behavior assessment for selection, recruitment, behavior modification, training & development, human factors and performance, leadership development and team building in military environment which can be replicated elsewhere as well.
- Encourage and promote research and development of best practices in improving individual and group performance as well as quality of life for the soldier and his environment.
- Provide opportunities for researchers and psychologists to showcase their peer evaluated research and practice
- Generate a network of psychologists and counselors committed to serving those who serve the Nation, thereby addressing the problems, needs and concerns of the soldier on one hand, and enhancing soldier performance and improving quality of life of soldier and his environment on the other.
- Forging Partnership to Coordinate and conduct Military HR Research
- Translating Findings from Military Personnel Research into Action
- Supporting Armed Forces Strategic Human Resource Management through Applied Research & Development
More information regarding WARMCAMP is available on the website