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Impact India Foundation’s Lifeline Express treats 12lakh lives since inception

Impact India Foundation is best known for the world’s first hospital train, the LIFELINE EXPRESS (LLE) which was launched in 1991 and runs on a broad-gauge railway track. The train provides quality health services free of cost to the disabled poor in rural India. The Lifeline Express parks for about a month at a rural location with every project being sponsored by business houses, trusts, and foundations. The LLE has completed 192 projects (up to May 2018) having medically served about 12 lakhs patients with the ‘donated’ services of about 200,000 specialists, doctors, medical students and other volunteers from India and abroad.
Bajaj Finserv, India’s most diversified financial service company has launched a special video celebrating its nine months’ association with Impact India Foundation’s Lifeline Express. The video by Bajaj Finserv titled #ZindagiKiGadi depicts the Lifeline Express and its impact on the lives of people they have treated so far. The film can be viewed at

The partnership between Bajaj Finserv and Impact India’s Lifeline Express has impacted over 17,763 lives of which over 663 underwent surgeries for Vision, Hearing, Orthopaedic, Cleft Lip, Dental ailments and Oral Cancer. A total of 1,849 women were provided Gynaecology Treatment – Screening & Consultations, Medicines and Referrals for Breast and Cervical Cancer. Patients were provided with 2,794 Aids & Appliances such as Callipers, Hearing Aids, and Spectacles etc. Continuing Medical Education was imparted to 2,074 local Doctors and Health personnel on topics such as Cancer detection.

LLE services included the treatment of Epilepsy and Dental problems, as well as, Health Education & Counselling on Family Health Services and Stroke Prevention.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Ajay Sathe, Head- CSR, Bajaj Finserv said, “We have always believed that every Indian should have access to quality education and healthcare. Partnering with Impact India’s Lifeline Express is a step to reach the majority of people in India who do not have access to medical facilities, especially those with preventable disabilities, which otherwise would remain untreated.”

Impact India Foundation (IIF) was established in 1983 and launched by the Government of India as part of the National Plan of Action Against Avoidable Disablement, through cure and prevention, with the support of UNDP, WHO and UNICEF. IIF acts as a catalyst to bring together the Government, the corporate sector, professionals and existing NGOs in mass health programmes of national priority.

Impact India’s Lifeline Express provides easy access to on-the-spot medical facilities and surgical interventions to the underserved and underprivileged populace in smaller towns. The seven coaches of Lifeline Express have facilities like Operation Theatres, Pathology Lab, Mammography unit, Gynaecology Examination Room, Dental Unit, Pharmacy, Consultation Cubicles, X-RAY Rooms, etc. WiFi installed in the train enables doctors in metropolitan areas to examine patients’ x-ray and other images through a cloud server and send in their reports. For details, please visit:

About Bajaj Finance Limited

Bajaj Finance Limited, the lending and investment arm of Bajaj Finserv group, is one of the most diversified NBFCs in the Indian market catering to more than 21 million customers across the country. Headquartered in Pune, the company’s product offering includes Consumer Durable Loans, Lifestyle Finance, Digital Product Finance, Personal Loans, Loan against Property, Small Business Loans, Home loans, Credit Cards, Two-wheeler and Three-wheeler Loans, Construction Equipment Loans, Loan against Securities and Rural Finance which includes Gold Loans and Vehicle Refinancing Loans along with Fixed Deposits and Advisory Services. Bajaj Finance Limited prides itself on holding the highest credit rating of FAAA/Stable for any NBFC in the country today.

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