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“Exchange for Free” Book Bank Established at IMS Noida

IMS Noida has started a new campaign “exchange for free” by opening its first ever book bank in Noida campus. The book bank is open for the outsider as well, where you can exchange your old books with any required book.

The book bank is started with almost 5000 books with the motto of spreading awareness among youth about books. Students who are preparing for competitive exams can also take books from the book bank. Students from government schools can also exchange their books from IMS Noida campus. The aim of book bank is to support the students who can’t afford books because of its high cost.

The bank is also open for the small children. Along with nursery books they also have comics, where children can exchange books with their favorite books. Therefore children can also read books free of cost.

Book Bank has started in two stages. In the first stage, it will be open for two days in a month. In the second stage they will include notes of different subject and opening days can be increased according to the numbers of books and football. College is also making a strategy for how they can spread awareness among students for submitting their old notes to the bank. Apart from different course book bank also have literature books for those who are interested in literature.

IMS Law College Dean Dr. K.S. Bhati said, “Exchange books for books campaign will help to those students who prepare their notes from different books for the same subjects. Book bank will increase the interest of students towards books. It is also the initiation of college for supporting students who can’t afford books so that finance will not be the hurdle for those students.


