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TrueMetronome iOS App Review – Practise Perfectly With True Metronome

Metronomes are well known devices, that can be used to improve the performance of musicians. These devices are capable of producing regular, metrical ticks, that are used to control the ‘Time’ element of music. And if you are looking for a Metronome app on smartphone platform, then there is an outstanding iOS app called –TrueMetronome!

Not that Metronome apps have not being launched before, but what is special about this app is its high accuracy that comes for affordable price tag compared to physical metronome available out there.

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There were precision issues for most of the software generated metronomes that have been developed before. But with TrueMetrotone app, it’s the best quality ever delivered yet, that totally eliminates the need of physical metronome device. This app generates identical frequencies that produce soothing sound, which comes easy on ears compared to any software generated sounds.

For musicians, creating sound even beats is the most essential factor to gain control over their music, so the metronomes help them build it, with usage of pure natural sound.

TrueMetronome is available on all of the iOS devices, and the interface and Metronome looks impressive. The fluid yet simple interface is very decent looking and does not confuse any new user at all. This premium app is available already on iTunes store and can be downloaded for only $2.99!

I will not recommend this app for general user, who doesn’t care about learning music, but for those of you who would like to practice in a best way using TrueMetronome which works very perfectly on iPhone or iPad.

Cost: $2.99

Ratings: 5/5

Download TrueMetronome iOS App