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SMS PC Happy Fingers Windows App For iPhone Review – For Stress Free Texting & More!

How many times do you wish to go have a bigger screen size on your iPhone for texting or feel like connecting a huge keyboard to it?

Well, trust for those who text 10+ times a day, typing on that tiny touchscreen keyword does start to suck and we feel the need keyboard extension to it. Today, I am going to review one amazing cross-platform delight that lets you text your freinds through your windows PC – SMS PC Happy Fingers !

iPhone SMS/Group Texting App For Windows

People are going crazy about Texting/SMS as its too cheap compared to calls and you can chat like all day compared to per minute voice and video calls. And developers at Happy fingers, realized this need and made really simple to use which is not just good for usability but gives you great relief to your fingers.

As I said this app comes with two way connection between PC and your iPhone. Your iPhone gets connected to your PC whenever it comes in your regular wi fi network and you are good to go with the desktop application.

Send iPhone SMS From Desktop Keyboard

There are two applications you need to install for this great feature one for your Windows Desktop or Laptop and another for your iPhone using following links.

iPhone Application – SMS PC Happy Fingers 

Windows Application – SMS PC Happy Fingers

OK, After the installation part is done. let me take you through its quick features overview that will not just amaze you but will make your overall iPhone experience productive!

Windows app syncs your iPhone contacts directly to your PC, which is kind of dream function for me for various purposes. The desktop app lets you select the contacts and text them immediately though your iPhone.

These contacts can e also shared quickly using the desktop interface, so you are not just limited to plain SMS/Texting but the advance uses of it as well.

Cross Device Copy/Paste – This one is another outstanding feature that lets you copy and paste stuff from  each other. Imagine you copied an address fomr PC and pasted to iphone address bar or captured a picture with iPhone and stored on PC – You get it all with SMS PC Happy Fingers.

The app also supports group texting, which can get you most out of your iPhone texting experience from Windows PC. The app is free to try and with Pro version you get solid feature as I said before Contact Sync, Group Texting & Cross Device Copy/Paste.

For More information go to official website  here – SMS  PC Happy Fingers