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RansomGram Picture Message iOS App Review – Spice Up Your Social Updates!

As most of the world is getting addicted to social networking and social media, sharing photos and status updates is kind of new lifestyle. Though prolonged use of traditional styles can get boring for regular users. So, here is one extremely useful app that lets you send pictures with cool text messages on it named RansomGram Picture Message!

RansomGram Picture Message iOS App Review

Even if this app is based on something very simple to explain, it has a very high use in day-to-day communication on social sites like Facebook & Twitter. Imagine if you have to send out a status update that you are sad about something. Well, This app let you create really cool looking text effect on your picture and customize it to suite your message. So basically RansomGram Picture Message makes sure your words get out clearly to your friends and family.

And the process is very simple, just take a quick photo, caption it and share on Twitter, FB or Instagram. You can even send it directly via email and save to your library as well. But the most favorite and usable part of this app is its ‘RansomGram Styled’ lettering that looks pretty cool, which you can see in following screenshots. Also it lets you be unique with your cool picture message updates & can make you popular among friends as well.

[soliloquy id=”7247″]
Basically, RansomGram Picture Message can personalize any of your photos with captions,change backgrounds, alter some themes and fonts and make it look best for you. Note that the Free version only supports non-colored letters and with some small in-app purchases you can buy themes, fonts and premium features which are well worth their prices.

The user interface of this app is very simple and can be accessed fully by any newbie without any hassles. The only complaint I have is, they should have included the colored text option in the free version, otherwise I have given it a full ratings. Despite of this, I will still highly recommend this app for everyone who remains active on social networks like FB & Twitter and start spicing up you social updates right now!!!

Cost: Free

Ratings: 4/5

Download RansomGram Picture Message iOS App