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Random It Android App Review: Quick Decision Maker App Everyone Needs!

Do you waste time while making quick decisions with friends like I do? I bet everyone does that with simple questions like – ‘Where to Meet?’. ‘Today or Tommorow?’ or ‘Where to Eat?’ Point is, you can let this amazing app decide for you and you can stop wasting time.- The app is called –Random It! 


Random It Android App Review

The app is basically an ecosystem that helps you use 160 themed set of questions and answers and will give you random answers for it. Your question that is termed as ‘Subject’ inside Random It, can be selected from wide variety of categories, and most importantly you can create your own Subjects anytime you want.


Developers have done enough research to create these random subjects, as all the regular ones are already covered in it. Besides creating your own subjects you can in-fact modify the pre-configured questions and save a heck of a time.

The whole point of this app is to save time, mostly with friends and family who always confuses each other on questions like – ‘Who Drives?’, ‘Who Pays?’ or ‘What to do?’

So next time – You decide the subject, spin the wheel and you are good to go!


Random it is build with great looking interface that works fluidly on any of the Android devices we have tested including smartphones and tablets. The navigation is super-simple to understand, and as I said, pre-configured subjects will save you a lot of time.

Overall, this app is a perfect Android app, to make your quick decision making superquick. Also being a free app, makes it totally worth trying at least one!

Cost: Free

Ratings: 5/5

Download Random It App!