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Point of Sale App Review: Android Based POS System!

Most of the small businesses are trying to spread their wings online, but what is truly keeping them on hold is, they have to do everything on their own. Manage website, Facebook page, twitter account, financial activities & most importantly their business activities. If you are one of them and using Android powered devices this app will help you automate most of the things I just said – Point of Sale!


Point of Sale App Review

This app practically takes care of all the things you can not besides your business, and help you focus more on your real work. With this app you can set up a point of sale (POS), even if you do not have a website. You can start with this Android app itself, as you can manage your store inventory, sales and even social media accounts all together.

POS-Android-2It avails you customizable backend that you can manage for all of your store inventory. When you update the product in store, they automatically get edited at your online store. You can categorize them, add them or delete them with just one or two clicks. You can even customize the graphics buttons as good as you need it.

So all data will be stored in managed cloud storage by the developers, and you rest assured no matter what happens, all your product and sales information will always be in a safe place, and you can use it to run past or present reports as well. Social media reward program, helps your customers to engage in activities on your behalf and make the social thing going on all by itself.

POS-Android-3Apart from these, POS system has many in-depth features and opportunities that you can use to grow your business as much as you need!

If you can operate your desktop computer you can use this app as well, and its all easy to set up and integrate, though you can take a personalized help from the app developers.

Cost: Free

Download Point of Sale