They say you are a student all your life, but are your really if you are not taking any efforts to learn new things? Today, I am going to review this app, which will let your explore the world of learning & educate yourself on the go. The app is called – Coursera On The Go!
App Review: Coursera On The Go Free
Coursera is a big community of teachers and students, where new courses happening worldwide are brought to you with the power of internet o n various subjects. Starting from arts, music, health to mathematics and computer programming, Coursera is a great place to learn new things from your home.
This app brings the same capabilities of learning to your Android smartphones and tablets, so you can learn things no matter where you are. Coursera on the go is currently dedicated unofficial Android app, which is planning to expand to few more educational content partners in future, but right now it is perfect app for those who want to use their free time in learning.
‘Coursera On The Go’ supports subscribing to courses, streaming them directly to your device, or download and use them offline. The app is a great multimedia manager, as it lets you resume your downloads if you lose connection for some reason. You can autosync lectures if you are using multiple devices, get subtitles for online or offline use, participate in community forums and much more…

Overall, I will rate this app highest for bringing high value education to your Android devices for free, and will recommend all users to use it for exploring new technologies and subjects.