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A Beginner’s Guide to Network Security

For those who do not understand computers work, cyber hacking seems like a movie plot. A person sits down in front of a computer and furiously types code and somehow accesses databases that are usually under lock and key. In reality, hackers often find a backdoor in through old, outdated apps or through phishing emails. It is for this reason that the first step to protecting yourself from cybercrime is simply knowing what you can do to improve your computer and network’s security.

Why Is Your Network Security So Important?

From businesses to individuals, your network security is critical to your success, safety, and even finances. Without protected and encrypted connections, hackers can gain access to you and even monitor how you use the computer. They can gain access through old accounts, your social media, and even through your own personal electronics. Download a virus or malware program by accident, and it could wreak havoc on your life. You need to know what dangers there are and how you can avoid them so that you can keep yourself and your data safe from cybercrime.

How Do You Secure Your Personal Network?

Your personal network can be secured by using a VPN, but that isn’t the only way you should protect yourself when it comes to online usage. Knowing what security protocols to look for when using a new company, how to spot fake websites, weed out phishing emails, and more can be valuable when it comes to securing your network and data.

What Other Measures Can You Take?

Other measures you can take to secure your information include:

1.     Use Unique Passwords

Using unique passwords means that if another company is hacked, and your login credentials were stolen, then nothing else will happen. They have your email, yes, but if that password only worked with that one account, you can quickly go in, change it, and then log everyone else out. None of your other accounts will have been compromised.

2.    Surf with a VPN

Whether you are a company or an individual, you should always be connected to a VPN when using your computer. This will help you stay secure and anonymous online. What occurs when you use a VPN from is that you connect and to either IPSec or SSL technologies. This protects the data you share between users. You can use VPNs on your laptop, home computer, and on your phone or tablet.

3.    Have Anti-Virus Software

Even basic anti-virus software can be useful. Just remember to scan your system regularly in case there was an old, virus-infected file left on your computer. It might not have caused damage if you didn’t open it, but it is a risk to leave behind.

Knowing how hackers can get to your data, and, more importantly, what they can do if they have it is a good start to protecting yourself online. The next step, however, must always be to implement the strategies you need to secure your data and to minimize the threat of cybercrime.