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Medical Info–Media Portal Ibex MedWorld Launched


  • MrMr Shaikh Azam – Director Ibex MedWorld during a speech
  • DignitariesDignitaries on Dias at launch of Ibex MedWorld

With availability of high quality Doctors, professionals and skilled manpower in Medical Field, communication skills, robust technologies, wellness and holistic treatments and relatively lower cost of treatment compared to western world, India is playing a major role in Medical Tourism opined Dr Pradeep Mahajan, Chairman, Trans Asia Chamber of Commerce – Medical Tourism.

He was speaking at the launch of medical info media portal by Ibex New Concepts Pvt Ltd at a function organized in Pune on Wednesday. Dr. Shrikant Raje, Director Grand Medical Tourism and Medivision Super Speciality Hospital, Mr. Shaikh Azam, Director Ibex New Concepts Pvt Ltd, Dr. Neha Shaikh – representative Medical Tourism Ibex New Concepts were present on the occasion.
Speaking on the occasion Mr. Shaikh Azam, Director of Ibex New Concepts Pvt Ltd said that Ibex New Concepts Pvt Ltd has launched to collate information on Indian Concepts like Yoga, Export Ayurveda, Made in India Medical Equipments, Medical Tourism, Online Second Opinion etc which will boost ties in the healthcare sector between India and various countries.
Mr. Azam, added that while the portal is a joint effort between Indian and Chinese partners – Beijing Ibex International Business and Consulting, we will also have a focus country concept 2019 will focus on China, while 2020 and 2021 will focus on UAE, Oman, Nigeria and Egypt respectively. Also assisting the venture would be Indo-OIC Chamber of Commerce and Industry which has presence in more than 45 Islamic countries.
Three International MoUs were signed on the occasion by Ibex New Concepts including Technology transfer cum partnership with Beijing Zhongtuo Company Ltd and media partner agreement with Yidebang portal, a MoU between StemRx Bioscience Solutions Mumbai with Beijing Med-Retreat hospital and a MoU between Grand Medical Tourism with China Association for Life Care.
Dr Pradeep Mahajan, Chairman Trans Asia Chamber of Commerce – Medical Tourism said that Medical Tourism is the gateway for access to health to meet the needs of developed countries. With higher medical costs and rapidly ageing population, medical tourism to India is set to grow. People are coming to India for Cancer Treatments, Heart Surgeries, Dentistry and Cosmetics amongst others due to relatively lower costs.
Medical Tourism in India is growing and expected to be worth 8 billion dollars by 2020. The Visas for Medical tourists coming into India has gone up to 5 lac plus visas in 2017 from about 4 lac visas issued in 2015. Currently Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu account for more than 65% of the foreigners coming for medical treatments. The availability of high quality doctors, skilled manpower with communication skills and robust technologies India will be a leader in Medical Tourism.
Dr. Shrikant Raje, Director Grand Medical Tourism and  Medivision  Super Specialty Hospital said that while the development in some of the countries like China is phenomenal, but the other side Indian Doctors are earning a name for themselves with requisite skills to impact globally and this is giving rise to Medical Tourism in India. Tourism companies will also have a part to play with collating information and therefore the launch of this portal is a significant development.