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Sony PS3 12GB or PS3 500GB: Which Console You Should Buy?

Note: This is article is my answer to the following Quora Question someone asked me. And as I spend lot of time writing and doing research for such answers, I am making a habit of using those questions to make quick posts on my blog. 

QUORA QUESTION: Which game console is better ps3 12gb or ps3 160 gb? What is the difference between these two consoles?
I like to buy a game console and I don’t get enough time to play games. I like to play in holidays. I’m planning to buy ps3 but I’m confused which one to buy weather ps3 12gb or 160gb? What is the difference between these two consoles and also does it effect in performance? One thing i forgot to say, can I attach external computer hard disk to ps3 12gb? Will that work?

Two consoles are exactly same in terms of hardware, except that one comes with the hard drive pre-installed and 12GB version does not.

The 12GB version is available at 17, 790 online (Sony Playstation 3 12GB With 3 Games) that comes with three games free. So if you are going to play casually, these three games would be good enough for you to play for at least 3-4 months, and you do not have to spend about 1500-3000 on each game later on.

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Once you get familiar with the PS3 system, you can dig a lot of deals and massive discount of games through PlayStation plus, which is subscription based, and you can chose to buy it if you prefer.

The PS3 500 GB is what I would recommend if you do no want to to buy separate hard drive later on, and then why limit yourself to 160GB, get the maximum version by adding 5K more (Sony Playstation 3 500 GB with Killzone 3, Uncharted 2 & Motorstorm)

sony-ps3-12gb-ps3-160gb-ps3--500gbIf you get a 12GB version, you will get the flash memory, and you will need additional storage if you are planning to buy games digitally. Each game in general is at least 6GB in size, so you can imagine.

But in case you want to save cash now, and buy HDD after few months you can do this.
You will need a 2.5-inch laptop internal hard drive, with minimum 3.0 GBPS SATA speed, and 5400 RPM.
Cost at least Rs.3500

Sony Playstation Hard Drive Mount
Cost: Rs.700

And a little bit of fitting which is quite easy. (Here is a handy YouTube Tutorial on the on that.)

This totals out to Rs.4200 of extra spending later on, which is almost same the same pricing. But make sure you compare the free games, as I am sure the costlier 500GB version will come with newer and better games.

And to answer your question, the external USB hard drive can not be used for installing the game, it can only be used with an internal drive, which you can install as I mentioned above.

Short Answer: In my opinion, If cost is not an issue, save yourself a trouble, get 500GB console with three free games.

Happy Gaming!