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Fabence launches application for e-commerce aggregation and fashion discovery

New Delhi, October  2015: Fabence, India’s personalized fashion shopping search engine, has launched a mobile app


to help users discover products across various e-commerce websites and apps. The app enables fashion conscious consumers to discover and purchase the very best in boutique and classic fashion from more than 30 select retailers & e-commerce websites. This would mean that users will not have to go to 30 different websites & apps to select product and compare prices, but they can find all of this at one place on Fabence app.


“What makes fashion different is the amount of products and the lack of unique product identifiers. This makes it a lot harder building an effective aggregator. At Fabence, we have a clear focus on simplicity of user interface, curated content and personalization as per user’s style. We do this via a store-like interface and our own algorithms, machine-learning and scalable tech that adapts to users’ tastes to display products and similar items. It also takes a completely different approach on content that is shown to users as well as offers & price comparison,” said Anshul Gupta, Co-founder & CEO, Fabence.

“There is no end to end fashion discovery platform which cater to both men and women and this is the gap Fabence is filling with its mobile app and website,” he added.


Conceptualized and started by a final year student at Shri Ram College of commerce , Anshul Gupta can be counted as one of the youngest entrepreneurs of India.  The vision and concept of Fabence was born out of personal frustrations with how time-consuming it is to shop for fashion online. There are hundreds of fashion e-commerce stores and millions of products to choose from, but it is still a struggle tracking down specific products and finding the best place to buy them.


The online fashion market is growing at a steady pace and is expected to reach $35 billion by 2020. The next disruption in e-commerce and fashion is expected to come from fashion discovery and Fabence wants to be a fore-runner of this market to capture it at an early stage. The company has raised an angel round of INR 1crore in early 2015 and has received more than 30,000 downloads of its mobile app in just 1 month of launch with a minimal marketing cost.


Fabence is available on all devices be it the desktop, tablet or mobile. They launched both their IOS  and android app:


Fabence uses a lot of algorithms to personalise the experience for visitors, suggesting new items to them based on previous purchases, with a real-time ability to show them what is actually in stock and where. To achieve this, Fabence has taken an extremely different approach to how people discover fashion through scalable and innovate technology and allowed them to discover products, looks, offers or even content in a very different and appealing fashion. The app aggregates the wares of a multitude of fashion sites into a single online destination, enabling consumers to cross-shop from millions of fashion products.