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Vedica Scholars Programme for Women Launches a New Opportunity for Senior Professionals to Become ‘Star Faculty’

“A teaching moment is worth a thousand CEO speeches”
 – Jack Welch (Former Chairman & CEO, GE)

Many senior executives express an interest in teaching – to give back to society, to their profession or organisation, or to the next generation. The potential to contribute by imparting their professional learnings is immense. We believe the opportunity is ripe to create India’s cadre of ‘teacher-leaders’.
The Vedica Scholars Programme for Women in partnership with De Montfort University is launching ‘The Teacher-Leader Programme’, a short duration executive education programme for senior professionals who have always wanted to teach, scheduled for 27th, 28th, and 29th July 2018. The programme is aimed at mid-career or senior level professionals, with a minimum of 10 years of work experience, and will be held in New Delhi.

This desire amongst senior executives is matched by the needs of the higher education system, and the needs for building corporate India. India is woefully short on faculty, in quality and in numbers, who can inspire and educate our ever-growing numbers of aspirants. Equally, corporate India is in constant need of cutting-edge, impactful executive trainers to build the next generation of leaders.
For industry experts to translate their experience into effective instruction, and become a popular and successful teacher, is not difficult. ‘The Teacher-Leader Programme’ helps them ‘discover, design and deliver’. Participants will be equipped with discovering and developing their pedagogic style, planning and designing a course module, learning the principles of grading and assessment, understanding their audience, learning student engagement techniques to master student satisfaction, learning contemporary and innovative teaching methods such as case method, role-plays and simulation techniques, and utilising modern technology for classroom management.

There are three modules: Foundation (3 days of classroom instruction), Advanced Foundation (Additional 15 hours of online instruction) and Advanced Instruction (4 hours of individual observational feedback and coaching/mentoring sessions with faculty after completion of 20 hours of instruction/teaching practice). Participants can sign up for one or all modules at the same time, and avail of an inaugural fee discount if they confirm their participation before 10th June. The participation can be individual or institutional –that is, corporate L&D heads could nominate senior leaders to build an internal cadre of ‘teacher-leaders’ for in-company training programmes; higher education institutions could nominate existing/visiting faculty as a part of on-going training towards executive classroom teaching.

This programme is a unique, new opportunity that enables senior professionals to pursue their passion for teaching and become star faculty in educational institutes or within their organisations.

For more information, or to sign up for the programme, visit our page or write to us at [email protected].


