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Soch Ek Kadam Aagey: Amar Ujala Unveils Akhbar Mein TV

Business Wire India

Amar Ujala, India’s 4th largest Hindi newspaper, and a cultural icon of the northern Hindi states has recently launched an exciting convergence product called 'Akhbar Mein TV' as part of its future ready newspaper innovations. 

‘Akhbar Mein TV’ was launched as a feature on the newspaper’s front-page news package. The launch feature invited readers to point their smartphone cameras at a large QR code and watch Amar Ujala Samwad (2nd chapter of a premium convergence series) live on Amar Ujala TV.

The feature is a special fixture on the front page – and will be used to provide the newspaper reader – Weekly Digital TV capsules (news, events and opinions), exclusive interviews and new product reviews.

“Newspaper allows for thought and contemplation. Digital allows for feeling and experience. Our vision of convergence is to offer the Amar Ujala reader a seamless bundle of both. ‘Akhbar Mein TV’ exemplifies this effort. Importantly, such features add value not only to the content experience but also opens the space of native programming wide in the newspaper. Our marketing campaign 'soch ek kadam aagey' encapsulates this,” says Mr. Probal Ghosal, Director, Amar Ujala.

Interestingly, on the very first day of introducing the feature, ‘Akhbar mein TV’ saw an amazing 20,000 + scans. A clear indication that Amar Ujala’s convergence drive in the hinterlands of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand is preparing the experience hungry user for new ways of experiencing newspaper and rich content.