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Photos Trivia Android App Review – Traditional Trivia Gets Better!

When it comes to gaming or apps on smartphone, we are always looking for traditional and older games on our new age hardware. As you know Ches, Cricket & Football are always one of the top downloaded apps on high end smartphone OS like Android, Windows & iOS.

Today, we are reviewing one of the flavors of Trivia, which you have never seen before and a complete new experience made available on Android Smartphones called – Photos Trivia.

Photos Trivia Android App Review

Photos Trivia Android App Review (Free)

Most of us are definitely bored with the Trivia in old school way and Photos Trivia definitely add a new dimension to our love for Trivia and helps us kill time without loosing any excitement.

I’ve been playing with this app for last 4-5 days and it’s definitely easy to get addicted for it. As you move forward the challenges become exciting and all you have to do is guess the photo as early as possible and score the points. Soon you will find yourself competing with your older scores, which is the beauty fo this game/app available for all Android smartphones.

Photos Trivia Android App

The User interface is fairly simple to understand and once you get in,you can choose from various categories you would like to guess the photos from. From Art, Hollywod, History & Birds, you get numerous number of pictures & categories to choose from which can keep you busy for hours.

The developers are constantly adding the new photos & categories every week, which is interesting to have in this free Android app. Photos Trivia works very fluently on different screen sizes and even lower end Android smartphones and wont consume much of your space on Android Smartphone.

This app is definitely the one of very few apps that I played for a longer time, which I enjoyed a lot and that is why I am giving this complete 5 star ratings for its cool UI, involving & exciting design and simplicity that anyone can understand easily!

Cost: Free

Ratings: 5/5

Download Photos Trivia Here

2 Responses

  1. Nice application I will download and try this puzzle game. Nice info 🙂